Portfolio Strategy

Too often, capital improvement projects and real estate transactions are undertaken by institutions without regard to a broader portfolio or single asset strategy that is aligned with the institution’s business, financial, and mission-oriented goals. Lack of strategy risks entering into long-term arrangements that conflict with the institutions’ long-term objectives. Decisions regarding acquisitions, dispositions, capital improvements, cost-cutting, and investment should not be reactive, but rather strategic. Moreover, strategies can be aspirational, but they must also be financially feasible and executable. The Hayat Brown team has developed numerous single-asset and portfolio real estate, capital improvement, and economic development strategies that have resulted in transformative projects, improving communities and campuses. 


  • Financial Feasibility Analysis And Modeling
  • Highest & Best Use And Market Studies
  • Portfolio Screening And Prioritization
  • Economic Development Strategy And Fiscal Impact Analysis
  • Lease Vs Own Analysis